1. Do you think you are hot???
biasa2 je
2. Upload your favourite picture of you.
3. Why do you like that picture?
nampak happy je laki bini kan
4. When was the last time you ate pizza??
2 minngu lepas klu tak silap. bos belanja
5. The last song you listened to?
hey ladies (rossa)
6. What are you doing now without this??
baca blog org dan update blog sendiri sambil chatting dgn nieta
7. What name would you prefer beside yours?
8. People to tag
intan, kahar,
9. Who is number one?
ni kawan masa sekolah. sakng jumpa hanya di blog. aku suka baca blog dia
10. Number three is having relationship with??
takde org
11. Say something about number five.
pun takdak
12. How about number four?
13. Who is number two?
bestfriend masa skolah yg skang blog dia hanya utk org2 yg dia invite
1 comment:
gile lame tak hapdet blog ko ni...
p/s : tuka link ke blog aku.. http://sembangbincang.blogspot.com
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